Red Snapper Managed Services
Delivering value to your community through hands-on intervention solutions, public safety outsourcing and offender rehabilitation support.
RSMS Interventions
Red Snapper Managed Services is a market-leading provider of offender online and face to face rehabilitation services. Research has shown time and time again that early interventions prevent re-offending and are the way forward to help reform the criminal justice sector. We are proud to offer products and services that have been developed in consultation with clinical psychologists and industry experts such as probation officers & facilitators, specialist consultants, and charities.
RSMS Out Tasking and Advisory
Red Snapper Managed Services provides outsource, out-tasking and advisory services to the public safety sector. Our cost-efficient solutions have been developed to manage the responsibilities and functions from our client’s workflow; either in-full or on a task-by-task basis, to provide a high quality outcome within an agreed timescale and cost. Our team continuously monitor the current and emerging business needs of our clients to ensure that our on-call capacity matches the requirements of each sector; this allows us to deploy our services at both volume and speed.
Talent Pool Brochure
Click Below to view our Talent Pool Brochure
RSMS Outsource Overview
Click below to view our Outsourcing Overview
Success Stories
Intervention Hub
Developed by Red Snapper Managed Services, the Intervention Hub holds a group of online intervention programmes which can be accessed by anyone that has obtained login details from an organisational purchase.
Why Use The Intervention Hub?
The Intervention Hub is primarily based on Computerised Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CCBT) which is an endorsed treatment by the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE).
Before implementation, all our programmes were extensively piloted to build an evidence base and strong track record. To date, we have achieved a 71-76% positive outcome rate in terms of changing thinking and attitudes and a rate of 85-90% positive Service User feedback.
We offer a variety of online interventions that cover a multitude of topics including but not limited to;
– Alcohol Awareness
– Drug Awareness
– Domestic Abuse Awareness
– Impact of Crime
– Thinking Skills
– Emotional Wellbeing
– and more…
Intervention Hub Booklet
Click below to view the offerings on Intervention Hub
Success Stories
Case Study - Alcohol Awareness
Case Study - Cannabis Awareness Course
Case Study - Victim Awareness Course